Stay up to date on the latest health-related news and trends with Albuquerque ER & Hospital’s monthly blog articles.
Lupus, the Disease of 1,000 Faces
May is Lupus Awareness Month, a chance to educate others on the disease 1.5 million Americans live with. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks healthy tissue. It’s a mysterious disease that has been notoriously hard for the medical community to figure out because of its wide range…
Keeping Kids Entertained During Quarantine
If you’ve been home with your kids, you know just how quickly they can lose interest in what once seemed exciting. If board games and throwing the ball has gotten too redundant to enjoy, we’ve got you covered! Albuquerque ER & Hospital has compiled a kid-approved list of creative activities to keep them occupied and…
Purple Day for Epilepsy
Thursday, March 26th is Purple Day for Epilepsy, an invitation to wear purple and spread the word about epilepsy. Anyone can develop epilepsy, but children and seniors are at higher risk. Over 65 million people in the world are currently living with the condition. In fact, more people live with epilepsy than autism, Parkinson’s, Multiple…
Don’t Overlook Your Eye Health
Out of our five senses, 84% of people rate vision as the most important one. That same study discovered that almost 100% of people agreed vision health is important, yet only 50% of those people get annual eye exams to ensure eye health. You don’t need 20/20 vision to have good eye health in 2020!…
The Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Should Add to Your List
The New Year is upon us, and if you haven’t already, it’s time to set your intentions for 2020. The resolutions to exercise more, eat better, and lose weight are some of the oldest in the book. But, when striving towards a sustainable, healthy lifestyle, it’s important to focus on the whole picture. Here are…
Santa’s Helpers Deserve a Break Too
The holidays are busy enough without factoring in the creative ways to keep your children entertained. This holiday, take a much deserved week-long break from your Elf on the Shelf duties. Read the newsletter below and click here for your downloadable Doctor’s Note! .
National Radiologic Technology Week
On November 8th, 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen changed medical practice forever by discovering the x-ray. In honor of Roentgen, the week that includes November 8th is annually celebrated as National Radiologic Technology Week. This commemorative week serves to highlight the vital role medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals play in patient care. In light of…
Freshen Up This October
During October, grocery stores line their aisles with candy corn, apple cider, bags of fun-sized chocolate bars, and Halloween cookies and cupcakes. Because these sugary treats we love are so prominent during this time, it’s only appropriate that October is National Dental Hygiene Month. Why you should care Sometimes we don’t place as much importance…
Break a Sweat for World Heart Day
World Heart Day is a global campaign committed to bringing awareness to the number one killer in the world that takes 17.9 million lives each year—heart disease. Did you know, at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could have been avoided? World Heart Day, on September 29th, is an opportunity for…
All About Immunizations
If you are part of a family with children, odds are you took a vacation at some point this summer. Whether out of state to a famous theme park, or even out of the country to visit family and friends back home, there’s one thing every kid has in common: the need for up-to-date immunizations…