On-The-Go Safety and Health Essentials

Packing for holiday trip

Discover on-the-go safety and health essentials to pack for travel this holiday season.  The holiday season typically means a lot of traveling, whether it’s a long drive to your relative’s home or a flight to celebrate in another part of the world. With all these plans for being on-the-go, there are precautions to keep you…

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A Bad Bug Bite: When is it time to go to the emergency room?

woman covered in ant bites

Most of us have experienced a bug bite in our lifetime, which came with redness, itchiness, and even pain at the bite site–ouch! Most of the time, there is nothing to worry about. However, sometimes, a bug bite may not be that simple, and you may notice an unusual reaction. When you experience a bad…

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What Do Food Labels Really Mean

looking at food labels

Food labels can be tricky. Here is a quick guide to understanding the most common labels and what they really mean. A simple trip to the grocery store can become confusing when you go in for one item and realize there are three options, all labeled differently. What do the labels mean? What food item…

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Most Common School Sports Injuries

Soccer sports injury

As much as parents love cheering their kids on from the sidelines during their big games, there is still a worry about sports injuries. Unfortunately, no one can predict a sports injury, however, certain injuries are common to all school athletic activities. Knowing them can help minimize the risk.  School sports have a long list of benefits…

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